Integration overview
SmartMAILCHIMP is one of our most established and well used integrations. Powered by SmartSYNC – SmartMAILCHIMP continues to improve and evolve to meet the functional requirements and data processes.

Connecting Raiser’s Edge NXT to Mailchimp
To establish a consistent, robust connection between Raiser’s Edge and Mailchimp we connect Constituent records in Raiser’s Edge to the matching Contact in Mailchimp by using the Raiser’s Edge Constituent ID.

The Constituent ID is passed to *|MERGE1|* or *|MERGE2|* in Mailchimp. This requires moving either the First Name and Last Name as these values reside in *|MERGE1|* and *|MERGE2|* by default.
The SmartTHING team can help you with this if required.
Subscribe & unsubscribe – Raiser’s Edge NXT Consent
When your Mailchimp contacts subscribe or unsubscribe from your Audience SmartMAILCHIMP will automatically add the correct Consent records to your Raiser’s Edge NXT database.