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Raiser’s Edge Salesforce Integration: Streamline your Fundraising Efforts with SmartSALESFORCE

What is SmartSALESFORCE?

SmartSALESFORCE facilitates Raiser’s Edge and Salesforce integration and combines the power of these two applications, providing you with a streamlined solution to manage your fundraising efforts between the two systems. With this integration, you can manage all aspects of your fundraising campaigns, including donor data, fundraising goals, and event management.SmartSALESFORCE

How Raiser’s Edge Salesforce Integration Helps You Raise More Funds

Streamlined Fundraising Efforts

Raising funds can be a complicated process, and managing all the different aspects of a fundraising campaign can be overwhelming. Raiser’s Edge Salesforce integration with SmartSALESFORCE streamlines the fundraising process by providing seamless integration between the two platforms, making it simple to managing all aspects of a campaign.With this integration, you can manage your donor data from either Raiser’s Edge or Salesforce, create targeted fundraising campaigns, and track progress towards your fundraising goals.

Improved Donor Management

Donor management is critical to the success of any fundraising campaign. With SmartSALESFORCE, you can manage your donor data more effectively, including contact information, donation history, and engagement history. Data is passed automatically between Salesforce and Raiser’s Edge. You can choose to sync your data in one direction or implement a two way sync.This improved, automated donor management allows you to create more targeted fundraising campaigns and engage with your donors more effectively. By building stronger relationships with your donors, you can increase donor retention and raise more funds over time.


Raiser’s Edge Salesforce integration with SmartSALESFORCE is a powerful tool for nonprofits looking to raise more funds and streamline their fundraising efforts. With this integration, you can manage all aspects of your fundraising campaigns, from donor management to engagement data.


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